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Career Crossroads?

Let's Redefine Your Path &

Ignite Your Next Chapter.

Hi! I'm Kori Burkholder, your Purpose-Driven Career Coach and Strategist. Feeling lost? I help early & mid-career professionals land dream jobs & build thriving careers. Through coaching & proven strategies, we'll find clarity, confidence & the tools you need to succeed. Ready? Click here and learn how I can help you achieve your career goals.

Kori Burkholder career coach to plot your purposeful career path

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Our goal is to get you career clarity fast so you can land your dream job that's built on your favorite skills, strengths, work motivators and passions.  Services include Career Exploration, Job Search, Group Coaching, Private Coaching and Laser Coaching. 

Kori Burkholder a career transition coach for young professionals

Inspirality Creative Workshops

Bringing busy professionals together in workshop settings to tap into their creativity by using art-making as a tool to destress, dream big and set and achieve goals. Signature workshops include: "Paint Your Wildest Dreams", "Digging For the Heart Of Your Why", "Story Board Your Success Visionboards", Virtual Art Nights and more!

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Wild Dreaming Inspiration Deck - a great tool to get unstuck in your career!


It's like having your own built-in coach cheering YOU on! Use the cards to maintain focus, awaken creativity, strengthen your wild dream and go for it!

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Creative Team Building Events with Kori Burkholder

Inspirality Creative Corporate Events

Offering customizable team-building experiences that combine art-making, fun, and relaxation. Built to strengthen professional relationships and foster out-of-the-box thinking— it inspires your team to dream big and thrive in their lives and careers.

Book a creative experience of a lifetime.

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"I figured out exactly the direction I want to go! I’m feeling more confident about connecting and talking to people about it and I don’t feel guilt or regret about saying I don’t want to be a lawyer, which feels so freeing!"

Katelyn Purpose Driven Career Testimonial


Transitioning from Attorney to Chief of Staff: New York City, NY | Portland, OR

Learn more about Katelyn's Career Success Story


“Within a year, I left my 20+ year career in Sales to find a less demanding job to live my dream: to write and produce two Off-Broadway plays and successfully launch them to sold-out audiences! ”


PMP and Director, Playwright and Producer: New York City, NY

Learn more about Wanda's Career Success Journey


"I got a new job! My boss is awesome. And I have the time to do my passion project side hustle, on-camera hosting! So I've brought all of those things into my life together."


Producer & On-Air Host: Jersey City, New Jersey

Learn more about Kristen's Career Success Story

From the Blog

  • How To Adapt Your Career To Your Life's Journey
    07/09/2024 - Kori Burkholder
    How To Adapt Your Career To Your Life's Journey

    Are you yearning for freedom, flexibility, and adventure in your career but feeling stuck as your priorities shift? Whether you're seeking exhilarating experiences in your 20s or craving stability in your 40s, navigating these changes can be challenging yet rewarding. Join me as we explore how to align your work with your evolving values, reassess your goals, and embrace continuous personal growth. Discover the keys to a fulfilling career that adapts to your life's journey.

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  • You Want Freedom AND Flexibility?
    06/24/2024 - Kori Burkholder
    How To Achieve Freedom And Flexibility In Your Career

    Exploring the Path to Career Freedom and Flexibility? Let's Delve into How to Make It a Reality!

    Discover how to achieve work-life balance and independence in today's evolving work landscape. Learn how to define your goals, develop profitable skills, and embrace flexibility for a successful career. Get actionable steps and insights on building a diverse skill set for freelancing, consulting, or negotiating flexible work arrangements. 

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  • Purpose Driven Careers: Hannah's Success Story
    06/01/2024 - Kori Burkholder
    Hannah's Journey: How She Scored Her Dream Job With An 18% Raise

    Are you tired of the Sunday scaries dragging you down? A recent study by Gallup has found that only 29% of millennials are engaged at work, meaning only about three in 10 are emotionally and behaviorally connected to their job and company. Hannah's story is for you if you're ready to break free and find a job you love!


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  • Own Your Success. Own Your Image
    05/18/2024 - Kori Burkholder
    Elevate Your Brand Image: Own Your Image, Own Your Success

    Feeling invisible online? Tired of generic headshots that don't capture your true boss vibe? "Own Your Image, Own Your Success" is your chance to transform your professional presence!

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  • Chasing Passion Vs. Fascination
    05/13/2024 - Kori Burkholder
    Career Paths: Chasing Passion vs Fascination

    Beyond the Expected: How 6 Women Turned Fascination into Thriving Careers

    Inspiring stories of women who followed their curiosity and created unique, fulfilling career paths. (From tech writer to travel blogger, and more!)

    In this post, we'll explore an alternative to the traditional "find your passion" mantra. We'll also delve into real-life stories of people who have combined their skills, passions, and even a healthy dose of fascination to create careers they love.

    Intrigued? Click below to discover how you can ditch the one-size-fits-all approach and design a career path that's as unique and exciting as you are!

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  • How to overcome the 5 biggest career fears
    05/08/2024 - Kori Burkholder
    Dream Job Roadblocks: How to Crush 5 Common Career Change Fears

    Feeling Stuck in a Dead-End Job? You're Not Alone.

    Is your daily grind more like a soul-crushing slog than a path to professional fulfillment? Do you spend more time hitting snooze than feeling excited about the challenges ahead?

    If you answered yes (and, honestly, who hasn't?), this blog is for you.

    Here's the truth: Millions of people feel trapped in unfulfilling careers, chained down by fear and a lack of clarity.

    But guess what? You don't have to be one of them.

    This blog is your career change war chest, packed with actionable strategies and expert advice to help you conquer your fears, unlock your potential, and land the dream job that ignites your passion.

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  • 7 Strategies To Deal With Work Stress
    04/13/2024 - Kori Burkholder
    7 Easy Ways to Deal with Stress At Work

    Monday morning you wake up before your alarm goes off. You’re already feeling anxious and stressed. You’re dreading going to work because you don’t like your job anymore. You feel frustrated because the work doesn’t light you up as it once did or maybe it never did?

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  • Nicole Bailey Case Study from Diplomacy to Japan
    03/31/2024 - Kori Burkholder
    Find Your Purpose, Live Your Passion: Discover Your Dream Job Through Values

    Client Spotlight: How Nicole Combined Travel, Teaching, and Writing by Following Her Passions

    Many successful women in their 30s find themselves stuck, yearning for more. Does your career feel like a slow leak, draining your energy and passion? You're not alone.

    Meet Nicole, who used coaching to find her dream of having a lived experience in Japan through teaching English—a country she'd always dreamed of exploring! Her story will inspire you to discover your core values and ignite your career spark. Get ready to design a life and career that lights you up!

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