4 Simple Steps To Answer The Question ‘What Should I Do Next In Career Webinar

4 Simple Steps To Answer The Question ‘What Should I Do Next In Career? Webinar

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Unlock Your Career Potential: Mastering 4 Easy Steps For Figuring Out Your Next Move

Do you find yourself asking, "What should I do next in my career?" Kori Burkholder, a career success coach for creative professionals, offers a unique, non-linear approach to career discovery. In her recent webinar, Kori shares four simple steps to help you unlock your career potential and gain clarity on your next move. Here's a summary of her actionable insights.

  1. Understanding Personal Values

    Your personal values are the foundation of your life and career. They help you determine your priorities and make better decisions. Kori emphasizes the importance of identifying and defining your unique values. She provides a worksheet to help you list and describe your top six values.

Why Values Matter
When your career aligns with your values, you feel satisfied and fulfilled. Misalignment, however, can lead to unhappiness and frustration. By understanding your values, you can make decisions that support your overall well-being.

2. Create a Bigger Vision


Visualization Exercise

Take a step back and visualize where you want to be in ten years. Close your eyes and imagine your ideal life: Who is around you? What are you doing? How does it feel? This exercise helps you connect with your deeper desires and creates a compelling vision for your future.

Journaling Your Vision

After visualizing, jot down the key elements that stood out to you. This practice anchors your vision and provides a clear direction for your career journey.

3. Identify What You Don’t Want

Making a List of Non-Negotiables

Many people struggle with career clarity because they don't know what they want. Kori suggests starting with what you don't want. List all the aspects you dislike in your current or past jobs. This exercise simplifies the process of identifying what you do want.

Using the List
By clarifying your non-negotiables, you can narrow down your options and focus on opportunities that align with your preferences and values.

4. Take Inspired Action

Setting Inspired Actions
Inspired actions are steps you genuinely want to take, rather than those you feel you should take. They are fueled by enthusiasm and a clear vision of your goals. Kori advises setting three inspired actions to complete in the next seven days, ensuring they align with your values and vision.

Having an accountability partner, such as a friend, mentor, or coach, can significantly boost your commitment to taking these actions. They help you stay on track and maintain your motivation.

Additional Tips for Career Success

Creative Grounding
To solidify your career goals, engage in creative activities like making vision boards or other artistic expressions. These practices make your vision more tangible and actionable.

Continuous Sharing
Share your career vision and goals with others. This not only reinforces your commitment but also opens up opportunities through networking and connections.

Book a Career Clarity Call

Kori offers one-to-one career clarity calls to help you articulate your dreams, overcome obstacles, and take concrete steps towards your goals. Her unique approach combines creative exercises with structured planning, providing a comprehensive blueprint for your career.

By following these four steps—identifying your values, creating a bigger vision, listing your non-negotiables, and taking inspired action—you can unlock your career potential and find clarity in your next move. Whether you choose to embark on this journey alone or with Kori’s guidance, remember that your career satisfaction is within reach.

Ready to take the next step? Book a Career Clarity Call with Kori Burkholder and start transforming your professional life today.


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