5 Questions to Unlock New Opportunities this Summer

Achieve Career Success: 5 Questions to Unlock New Opportunities this Summer

Are you feeling stuck and uncertain about your career path? This summer, seize the opportunity to recalibrate your mindset and find clarity. In this blog post, learn invaluable insights and practical steps to navigate career confusion, align your values, explore your aspirations, conduct a skills audit, and facilitate professional growth. Don't miss out on this transformative journey to unlock your potential and prepare for your next significant career step. Get ready to make September your time to shine!



If you've been feeling stuck and grappling with career confusion, don't fret! The summer season presents a unique opportunity for "mental recalibration." As the corporate hiring season slows, it's the perfect time to take a step back, reflect, and uncover what ignites your passion.

How do you know if you have career confusion?

Identifying career confusion can be challenging, but I've heard it all as a Career Success Coach! Professionals often exhibit common signs of confusion, such as difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, feelings of depression, irritability, or a general lack of motivation. They may even find themselves disengaged, detached from the quality of their work, and merely going through the motions. It's as if they've hit a roadblock, unsure which path to take. Some may have resorted to updating their resumes and attending interviews, only to be left without any offers. When asked about their job preferences, they confess to applying for any position available – even those they don't truly desire.

I understand the frustration and urgency to make a change. However, navigating through this fuzzy state by aimlessly browsing job sites, sending out resumes blindly, and settling for interviews that don't align with your goals is not the most effective use of your time. It's like attempting to hit the bullseye with a blindfold, wondering why you keep missing the mark.

So, before delving into tactical aspects like resume revisions, cover letter writing, and interview practice, it's crucial to identify what's missing in your current situation. Take the time to examine what is causing your dissatisfaction at work, ensuring that these issues won't follow you into your next role. Is it your boss, colleagues, company culture, salary, or a combination of factors? Understanding these key aspects will lay the foundation for a more purposeful and fulfilling career journey.

This summer, embark on a transformative career expedition by working through these five fundamental questions. Designed to take you on a deeply introspective journey, they will help you clarify your ideal life, consciously build a career around your preferences, leverage your favorite skills and strengths, and uncover what you truly desire in your next role.

Are your values in sync with your company's mission?

Figuring out your career values is the key to fulfillment. Once you figure this out, it will be obvious why you're unsatisfied with your job. Knowing your values makes it much easier to navigate career choices and make decisions quicker. Figure out your top 6 values and create a unique definition of what they mean to you. Now compare your work with your values. How many are being met? Are you living in alignment with your values?

What would you rather be doing?

Surprisingly, nine out of ten individuals I encounter don't have an answer to this crucial question. How can you navigate your career path if you don't have a destination in mind? It's like wearing a blindfold once again! Take a moment to envision what you want your career to look like in five years. What kind of company do you see yourself working for? What types of individuals do you want to collaborate with? Do you aspire to be a leader or manage a team? Visualize the projects that excite you. If you're unsure of your career vision, identify what you don't want.

What's your five-year career vision?

Surprisingly, nine out of ten individuals I encounter don't have an answer to this crucial question. How can you navigate your career path if you don't have a destination in mind? It's like wearing a blindfold once again! Take a moment to envision what you want your career to look like in five years. What kind of company do you see yourself working for? What types of individuals do you want to collaborate with? Do you aspire to be a leader or manage a team? Visualize the projects that excite you. If you're unsure of your career vision, identify what you don't want.

When was the last time you conducted a skills audit?

As we progress in our careers, we continually acquire new skills and determine which ones we enjoy utilizing. Has your job become more analytical than creative? Are you spending more time on online research than engaging in face-to-face interactions? Conducting a skills audit every few years is essential for career development. Identify your top five favorite skills and prioritize them. This knowledge will help you navigate career choices more effectively and allow you to articulate your strengths during interviews confidently.

What can you do today to facilitate professional growth?

I strongly advocate exploring growth opportunities within your current work environment. As you align with your career vision, you'll begin to identify gaps that need to be filled. You can create new opportunities for yourself without necessarily changing jobs! This approach will revitalize your professional journey, infuse it with purpose, and lay a solid foundation for future success when the time comes for a transition.

With a clear career vision, building a plan that supports your goals becomes more attainable. You'll identify areas that require improvement, such as acquiring new skills, negotiating a raise or promotion, expanding your network in a different industry, or connecting with new colleagues.

By September rolls around and the hiring season gains momentum, you'll be in an advantageous position to succeed in your next significant career step!

If you need assistance finding career clarity and bridging the gap, I invite you to book a free Exploratory call with me. Let's embark on this transformative journey together.

Kori Burkholder, Certified Professional Career Coach

Kori Burkholder is a Career and Creativity Success Coach and facilitator of transformational art experiences for busy adults who want to discover their unique creativity. Kori's work is centered around using creativity as a pathway to turn dreams into reality. Kori's coaching and facilitation provide tools, ideas, and resources to support individuals and organizations to become their happiest and best selves.

P.S. And whenever you're ready... here are four ways we can help you get unstuck and grow your purpose-driven career:

1. Watch a free Masterclass: Clarify the fastest path to land a more fulfilling and purposeful career & beyond. Identify any limiting beliefs and self-sabotage patterns to start creating an inspiring vision of your future dream career. Learn how to implement the 4-step game plan our clients use to develop a job they look forward to daily and a solid plan to achieve. Watch it.

2. Download my "Purpose Driven Career Quiz" workbook: If you're struggling to figure out what you want to do next career-wise, then download my new workbook "Purpose Driven Career Quiz" to see just how far (or how close!) you are to landing a purpose-driven career! Download it.

3. Join our FREE Purpose-Driven Careers Facebook Group and connect with other driven professionals learning how to make an impact, earn income, and create the freedom they desire in their life and career. Join us!

4. Work with me privately: If you'd like to work directly with me to build the career of your dreams... schedule your complimentary Career Strategy Breakthrough Call with me so we can clarify your fastest path to finding and landing your dream role and create a strategy for you to make it happen... Please apply for your FREE call with me here. Book it.


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