7 Inspirational Steps to Make It the Year For Your Career Transition

7 Inspirational Steps to Make It the Year For Your Career Transition


How long have you been thinking of making a career transition?

Days, weeks, months, or maybe even years?

When is the right time to do it? Is it at the beginning of a new year? Why wait to put your happiness and well-being and purpose on hold? 

I know what it’s like to sit behind a desk and not feel passionate about what you’re doing at work every day. On Sunday, you start to stress out, thinking about the week ahead. On Monday, a gray cloud hover's above your head. When you get a new assignment, your energy dies, and you need to find the energy and enthusiasm to respond to a pile of emails.

Faking it drains your energy and passion for life. But, fear is what is keeping you stuck, and you find yourself coming up with excuses and saying something like this to yourself:

The thought of figuring out what to do next is too much! (overwhelm)


I just don’t know what I want to do next. (career confusion)


I have too many interests and don’t know which way to go. (indecision)


It’s not that bad here. (complacency)

You get overwhelmed and frustrated because you just don’t know where to begin! And the cycle continues.

When you’re in this place, it’s a good time to just take one small step to create new energy, ideas, and inspiration so that you start to move towards something and break the cycle.

I’ve created a 7-step process designed to clear the career fog and end the cycle to get you onto the road of self-discovery, giving you a clearer vision of what you want to do next in your life and your dream career.

7 Inspirational Steps to Make It the Year For Your Career Transition

  1. Don’t/Do Want: Getting clear on what we do want is challenging. Sometimes it’s easier to start with what we don’t want. Start here and write a list of your Career “I Don’t Want.”
  2. Career Vision Board: Create a Career-specific Vision Board around your new list of Wants. New to Vision Boards? Here’s some inspiration and how-tos just for you!
  3. Visualize Your Ideal Future: Visualize yourself 5 years down the road, living and breathing your Wants list. Experience your guided visualization here.
  4. Your Internal Voices: Identify the internal voices (aka your Inner Critics) holding you back. For example, you might hear yourself say, “I can’t make a career change because I’ve been doing what I’m doing forever, and I don’t have any other skills.” You can transform these voices from disempowering thoughts to more empowering ones –  see step #5.
  5. Affirmations & Mantras: Create affirmations and mantras from the internal voices holding you back. Instead of “I don’t know what I want to do next,” change it to “I’m confident the answer I’m looking for will come to me in perfect timing.”
  6. Career Exploration: Go to different Meetups and networking events that have to do with your Want List, Vision Board, and Visualization. Take a course, sign up for a workshop, read books, volunteer, find a mentor, work with a coach, reignite business relationships, etc.
  7. Have fun: We take ourselves very seriously when making life changes. Think about how you can make your career transition fun for yourself. How can you go from “I HAVE to” to “I WANT to”?

Feeling confused, indecisive, or complacent makes it easy to get paralyzed and do nothing. It doesn’t have to be like that if you are willing to take the first step.

What step are you willing to take right now towards your career transformation to step into a life of fulfillment and purpose? Create some accountability and share it in the Facebook Group!

Need support with a career transition?

Here are four ways we can help you get unstuck and grow your purpose-driven career: 

1. Watch a free Masterclass: Clarify the fastest path to land a more fulfilling and purposeful career & beyond. Identify any limiting beliefs and self-sabotage patterns so that you start creating an inspiring vision of your future dream career. Learn how to implement the 4-step game plan our clients use to develop a career they look forward to every day and a solid plan to achieve. Watch it.

 2. Download my "Purpose Driven Career Quiz" workbook: If you're struggling to figure out what you want to do next career-wise, then download my new workbook "Purpose Driven Career Quiz" to see just how far (or how close!) you are to landing a purpose-driven career! Download it.

 3. Join our FREE Purpose-Driven Careers Facebook Group and connect with other driven professionals learning how to make an impact, earn income, and create the freedom they desire in their life and career. Join us.

 4. Work with me privately: If you'd like to work directly with me to build a career of your dreams... schedule your complimentary Career Strategy Breakthrough Call with me so we can clarify your fastest path to finding and landing your dream role and create a strategy for you to make it happen... Apply for your FREE call with me here. Book it.


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