Cynthia and Kori Purpose Driven Career Case Study Interview

How To Fast Track An Internal Promotion And Raise

When Cynthia reached out for support, her goal was ultimately to feel happy, motivated, and respected at work. She wanted the freedom to be herself in her day-to-day life, make enough money to feel comfortable, and spend a little extra on herself. 

She wanted to move away from a similar job cycle and constantly second-guessed herself. She tried to clarify her next career chapter, whether staying on her current career path or going to school. 

What did that look like in reality? She didn’t know yet.

Here is Cynthia's story:

Meeting Cynthia: From Bartending to Marketing Coordinator

When Cynthia first joined our program, she juggled customer service jobs and bartending, feeling unfulfilled and stuck in a professional rut. Fresh out of school, she hopped from one job to another, none of which provided the purpose or satisfaction she sought. For three years, she felt miserable and craved acknowledgment and a clear career direction.

Cynthia’s Own Words:

"When I began this program, I switched between customer service positions and bartending. I was doing the same thing from job to job, not expanding my career, and unsure what I wanted to do with it."

The Transformation: Discovering Purpose and Passion

Over the six months we worked together, Cynthia experienced a profound transformation. She is now the Marketing Coordinator at a beauty company, handling influencer and celebrity partnerships to attract customers. In addition to her full-time job, she has built a client base for her makeup business and is working on a networking agency to support freelancers.

The Process: Bridging Personal and Professional Fulfillment

Our journey began with a deep dive into Cynthia’s interests and passions. We explored what made her feel happy and fulfilled in her personal life and aligned those insights with her professional aspirations. This holistic approach helped Cynthia bridge the gap between her personal and professional lives, leading to a more cohesive and satisfying career path.

Cynthia’s Insight:
"The most impactful part of doing the program was the internal work. Being a professional, I never necessarily looked internally to see what makes me feel happy and what makes me feel fulfilled in my personal life. So once we started looking into the things that I enjoyed and the things that make me feel fulfilled, I could take those and apply them to what I could do professionally."

Three Tangible Results from the Program

  • New Position: Cynthia landed a role she is passionate about, significantly different from her previous jobs.
  • Increased Salary: She now earns more than ever before, surpassing the combined income of her multiple previous jobs.
  • Personal Growth: The internal work we did boosted her professional life and positively impacted her personal life, enhancing her overall well-being.

Internal Networking: A Key to Success

Cynthia’s proactive approach within her company was crucial to her success. She began by securing a temp position and then transitioned to full-time. She made a point to have coffee meetings with various colleagues, learning about their roles and what it took to succeed in those positions. This networking helped her gain visibility and credibility within the company.

Documenting Success: A Strategy for Promotion

Cynthia meticulously documented every small success and presented these achievements during her mid-year review. This strategy gave her the leverage needed to secure a raise and a promotion. Her dedication and visibility within the company paid off when a coveted position became available, leading her through a rigorous selection process involving multiple interviews and exams.

Cynthia’s Strategy:
"We then started to identify and record small bits of success stories within my customer service role. By the time my mid-year review rolled around, I could present that information confidently and then use that as leverage to ask for a raise and then from the raise to a promotion."

Unexpected Surprises and New Ventures

One of Cynthia's most surprising outcomes was her entrepreneurial spirit's emergence. She didn’t anticipate starting her own business, but our work together inspired her to use her skills and passions to create something unique. She is now working on her collective, aiming to provide a networking space for freelancers and potentially opening a bar or restaurant in the future.

Cynthia’s Reflection:
"I wasn't expecting to start my own thing and use my skills and passions to create my collective. And again, the personal stuff as far as paying attention to my health and other things like that—if you don't pay attention to the other aspects of your life, you miss out."

A Message to Aspiring Career Changers

Cynthia’s story is a testament to the power of investing in oneself. Despite initial hesitations about the financial and time commitments, she found the program invaluable. Her advice to anyone on the fence about joining such a program is simple: do it. The insights and growth you gain can transform your professional and personal life in ways you never imagined.

Cynthia’s Advice:
"Anyone considering joining, I would say do it, especially if you're unsure or in a place where you thought you wanted a specific career and then turned out not to be it. Sometimes, you need guidance and hear another opinion that's not your parents telling you that 'you need to get a real job.' That drove me crazy."

If Cynthia’s journey resonates with you and you’re eager to explore your own career possibilities, I invite you to a brief 15-minute brainstorming call with me. We’ll discuss your career ambitions, identify obstacles, and create a game plan to help you achieve your goals. Visit to apply and book your call. Let’s turn your career dreams into reality.

Watch Cynthia's Interview 

Related blogs:

Why Having a Passion is Essential to Professional Development

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P.S. And, whenever you're ready... here are four ways we can help you get unstuck and grow your purpose-driven career:

1. Watch a free Masterclass: Clarify the fastest path to land a more fulfilling and purposeful career & beyond. Identify any limiting beliefs and self-sabotage patterns to start creating an inspiring vision of your future dream career. Learn how to implement the 4-step game plan our clients use to develop a job they look forward to daily and a solid plan to achieve. Watch it.

2. Download my "Purpose Driven Career Quiz" workbook: If you're struggling to figure out what you want to do next career-wise, then download my new workbook "Purpose Driven Career Quiz" to see just how far (or how close!) you are to landing a purpose-driven career! Download it. 

3. Join our FREE Purpose-Driven Careers Facebook Group and connect with other driven professionals who are learning how to make an impact, earn income, and create the freedom they desire in their life and career. Join us!

4. Work with me privately: If you'd like to work directly with me to build a career of your dreams... schedule your complimentary Career Strategy Breakthrough Call with me so we can clarify your fastest path to finding and landing your dream role and create a strategy for you to make it happen... Please apply for your FREE call with me here.


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