Overcoming Guilt After Leaving a Job: How Ana Found Success

Do you feel stuck after a career change, overflowing with ideas but unsure where to begin? If you're nodding your head now, this story is for you! Meet Ana, who faced exactly that dilemma, along with the added guilt of leaving a job she wasn't passionate about. Follow her journey from feeling lost to thriving in her dream career, and discover how you can, too! Learn how to silence the guilt and take control of your future!

Here's Ana's story:

Feeling lost and unsure after quitting my job, I was overwhelmed with ideas but lacked direction. Then, a question in Kori's program quiz struck a chord: "Do you have a lot of ideas swimming in your head and not sure what to take action on?" That was me!

Despite initial worries about the program's effectiveness and guilt about leaving my old job, Kori's flexible approach eased my concerns. There were even times I paused to focus on exams.

A key takeaway was identifying and challenging my inner critic. That negative voice used to hold me back, but I learned to work with it and trust my instincts. Now, I can even embrace quieter moments.

The results? I passed my Engineer in Training exam, connected with inspiring people, and created a solid plan. I'm even more goal-oriented!

But the journey went beyond career goals. I discovered a love for sketching nature and origami, something I never expected. My drawing of Trinity Park in Fort Worth is a source of pride. Tapping into my creativity allowed me to work through my anxieties and guilt.

Looking back, I would tell myself to worry less and take more action. Reaching out for help and exploring hobbies like drawing and exercise helped manage my anxieties.

Fast forward two years!

I returned to grad school at the Colorado School of Mines and landed a dream internship at the company I've always wanted to work for! Life continues to be a wild ride, but things are finally coming together. I've weathered the initial storm and am now finishing up my first semester of grad school. Looking back, I've come so much further than I ever imagined. This experience of chasing my dreams has been transformative, and I can't wait to see what the future holds!

If you're stuck in a career rut, I urge you to face your fears and pursue your dreams. It's about the journey, not just the destination. You'll make friends, discover hidden talents, and find that people are more willing to help than you think.

Watch our video interview here:

Ready to start creating your dream career? Let's chat and develop a plan together!

P.S And, whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways we can help you get unstuck and grow your purpose-driven career:

Watch a free Masterclass: Clarify the fastest path to land a more fulfilling and purposeful career & beyond. Identify any limiting beliefs and self-sabotage patterns so that you start creating an inspiring vision of your future dream career, plus learn how to implement the 4-step game plan our clients are using to create a career that they actually look forward to every day and a solid plan to achieve it. Watch the free Masterclass right here: https://bit.ly/purposedrivencareersmasterclasssignup

Download my "Purpose Driven Career Quiz" workbook: If you're struggling to figure out what you want to do next career-wise, then download my new workbook "Purpose Driven Career Quiz" to see just how far (or how close!) you are to landing a purpose-driven career! https://bit.ly/PurposeDrivenCareerQuiz1

 Join our FREE Purpose-Driven Careers Facebook Group and connect with other driven professionals who are learning how to make the impact, earn the income, and create the freedom they desire in their life and career: https://www.facebook.com/groups/purposedrivencareers

Work with me privately: If you'd like to work directly with me to build a career of your dreams... just schedule your complimentary Career Strategy Breakthrough Call with me so we can clarify your fastest path to finding and landing your dream role and create a strategy for you to make it happen... Apply for your FREE call with me here: https://bit.ly/purposedrivenbrainstormcall


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