Stop Applying For Jobs You Don't Want

Stop Applying for Jobs You Don’t Really Want!

Are you stuck in a job search rut, sending resumes into the void? You're not alone. Many professionals crave a career change but lack a clear vision of their ideal path. This often leads to frustration, applying for the same "safe" roles that don't truly excite them.

This guide will help you ditch the blind resume approach and land a job you love. 

"I’ve been applying for jobs, and I’m not getting anywhere!" Sound familiar?

Let’s face it. It’s tough looking for a job when you have one, right? There could be many obstacles standing in the way, like time. Managing your time, however, is something you have control over.

A more significant obstacle is that some job seekers want to change careers but are confused about what they want to do next. They’re often frustrated when we speak because they’ve been sending out tons of resumes and have heard nothing but crickets. 

When I ask what roles they’ve been applying for, they usually say, "What I’m doing now, but somewhere else."

And I’m surprised that they’re feeling frustrated. These young professionals want something different, yet they keep applying for the same roles. 

I get it. Sometimes, we want to get out of a bad situation sooner rather than later and move towards what feels comfortable and aligns with our skills and experience, but not necessarily what we truly want.

When you’re unclear about what you want, sending out resumes blindly and hoping something sticks wastes time and energy. It’s like trying to hit the bullseye blindfolded. 

No bullseye, no progress.  

Are you clear on what you’re looking for? Can you see the bullseye?  

If you answered no, read on. I have a few tips on gaining clarity and moving forward more confidently while on your job search.

Take a Bird’s Eye of View of Your Work Life 

It often requires a bird’s eye view of what’s happening. So first, reflect on what’s working in your career and what’s not working. Then, grab a piece of paper, split it down the middle, and label "what's working" and "what’s not working."

Deeply think about why you want to leave your job. Is it because you don’t get along with your boss? Is your job too stressful every day? Are you not connected to the mission of the company?

What are you running away from, and what are you running towards? 

Envision Your Ideal Working  Day

Ask the left brain to sit back while we do this right-brain activity. Then, for the next seven days, visualize the type of job that would light you up. Go five years into the future first, then do the same, envisioning one year from now. 

  • Where do you see yourself (city, town, another country)? 
  • Who do you see yourself as (manager, VP, entrepreneur)?
  • What impact do you want to make in your work, team, company, or world?
  • What are the favorite skills you want to lead with (we all have talents, but what ones do you love to use)? 
  • What are your salary requirements?
  • What kind of benefits do you want/need?
  • What is your work schedule (flexible, PT, FT)?
  • Do you want to work for a big/medium/small-sized company?
  • What career track do you want (fast growth, work on various teams, etc.)?
  • Are you working for a service company vs. a product company?

If you’re having trouble, you can always start by making a list of what you don't want, thinking about everything you currently dislike about your work situation and your past jobs. Once you have your list, you will know what you want!

List your "Nice to Haves"

Your nice-to-haves list is just that. Of course, these won’t be deal-breakers if one of your dream companies doesn’t offer them. However, I’m a huge proponent of "putting it all out there," so you might as well call it out for the Universe and Law of Attract that!  

  • What kind of company culture do you prefer? (casual vs. skirts, blazers, and heels vs. trendy)
  • What kind of employee perks do you like (around-the-clock food options, unlimited vacation) 
  • What kind of growth and learning opportunities do they offer (attend conferences, tuition reimbursement, leadership training).

Capture Your Career Ideas 

It would help if you had some clarity by now, which is a great time to start creating a list of ideal careers, job titles, teams, CEOs, and companies you’d like to join based on what you want and envision for your future

Dive deeper, research companies and job roles, and maybe find some volunteer opportunities or classes you might need to fill in some skills or experience gaps based on what you learned. 

Look around on Linkedin for job titles that align with your skillset or ideal organizations.

Now, it is time to research and refine. Once you have a few targets, start preparing your marketing channels.

Update Your Personal and Professional Marketing Channels

It’s time to update your social media channels. Yes, even your personal Instagram headline and Facebook profiles.  Please update it for the position that you are aiming to get. Professional recruiters, HR managers, hiring managers, and future employers will certainly look!

If you need help, hire a professional resume/cover letter and a LinkedIn specialist to complete it quicker. Find one who will get on the phone and walk you through it together. 

Now that all loose ends are tied up find out who the hiring manager is on LinkedIn, send it out, and get prepped for your interviews.

Get out there and network.

Don’t get bogged down behind the screens. I tell job searchers that applying online should take up 20% of their time!

Get out there, network, and be strategic about it.  

Is one of your dream companies having an upcoming event? Do you know someone who works there? 

Getting a personal referral by a current or previous employee or from a respected social connection on Linkedin is a great way to get your foot in the door and bypass any AI. 

You can do networking anywhere (nail salon, traveling abroad, running team), so get out there and share with anyone willing to hear what you’re looking to do.

You never know who knows who, and in my years of career coaching, I have seen it happen more through personal referrals than any other means.

When you have a clear target, applying for jobs will make your life so much easier; you will get better results and be able to see and hit the bullseye. 

Related Blogs:

How To Break Out Of a Dreaded Employment Cycle

Stuck At Work? Keep Growing Without Quitting

P.S And, whenever you’re ready... here are four ways we can help you get unstuck and grow your purpose-driven career: 

1. Watch a free Masterclass: Clarify the fastest path to land a more fulfilling and purposeful career & beyond. Identify any limiting beliefs and self-sabotage patterns so that you start creating an inspiring vision of your future dream career. Learn how to implement the 4-step game plan our clients are using to develop a career that they look forward to every day and a solid plan to achieve. Watch it.

 2. Download my “Purpose Driven Career Quiz” workbook: If you're struggling to figure out what you want to do next career-wise, then download my new workbook "Purpose Driven Career Quiz" to see just how far (or how close!) you are to landing a purpose-driven career! Download it.

 3. Join our FREE Purpose-Driven Careers Facebook Group and connect with other driven professionals learning how to make an impact, earn income, and create the freedom they desire in their life and career. Join us.

 4. Work with me privately: If you’d like to work directly with me to build a career of your dreams... schedule your complimentary Career Strategy Breakthrough Call with me so we can clarify your fastest path to finding and landing your dream role and create a strategy for you to make it happen... Please apply for your FREE call with me here. Book it.


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